Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 8

Phone Update

The roads got worse!!! We did 336 km which took 11 hours driving. Luckily we only rattled a few bolts loose and fortunately the springs held together. We became bogged once after we were forced into the gutter by a lunatic nomadic truck driver!

For the last few days the scenery has been the most amazing scenery I have ever seen.. We have climbed mountain passes 8,500 high. All the towns in Mongolia have beautiful coloured roofs – red and green… and the towns are tidy unlike the towns we say in UB. We can see the nomads packing up and moving out of the high country as winter approaches. As arduous as the driving has been the trip is absolutely amazing. I’d love to come back and do it a slower pace so I wasn’t so exhausted. We’re nursing the front springs for another couple of days and a new set is being flown in  for us to get in a couple of days.

We are holding on to the lead…grimly.


  1. Hey Carl, Max & 'Penny', I'm cheering from the sidelines for you! Been tracking you on Skytag, reading the rally reports and watching the video journals too.

  2. Great to see some updates - haven't got the skytag working yet! No 10 is inching closer but I thought it wasn't a race!! How's the weather?

  3. Hey max
    going well can't believe you have had all that trouble and only dropped half a hour. The mateship is good with the second place runners helping out I guess completing the thing is the first priority not winning. Was it the front springs that you replaced or the rear? 30 ks a hour for 10 hours is a tough gig. I'm keeping tabs via iPhone and beck keeps asking who I'm texting she doesn't know who penny is yet!!!!

  4. Hi Max
    Just found the webb site looks like you are doing well.
    Some great looking Phote
    Car look great Travel Safe
    Peter (In the Scania)

  5. Max and Carl (and Penny),

    keep going guys we are all cheering for you

    Andrew Robson

  6. Hi Max
    It's Lee and Gordon
    James came here today and showed us how to track you - unreal!
    Will enjoy keeping tabs and wish you all the best of luck.
    P.S A message for RuthP: We can lend you our etag if you can't get the sky tag working...will that do??

  7. Thanks for the tip Lee Price - I rang Lawrence!
